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Community centers, junior colleges, universities and many other standard education vehicles provide learning environments that most people are quite familiar with, a pre-planned agenda. This can take the form of an extensive curriculum or a lesson plan and the expectation that one needs to be in a classroom from a set time on certain scheduled days. We have all experienced such educational formalities since kindergarten through most college programs.

Modern times, innovation, the computer (among other things) have changed the education possibilities and prior limitations opening up doors most never imagined possible. Distance education programs are available! And now, the education possibilities are shone to be even more limitless!

Imagine interactive distance education programs that offer a tutor for your child! You are busy cooking dinner and your child has a question and with a click of a link he or she has the answer within minutes! Time is precious and you may need to change your newborn baby’s diaper, run to the pharmacy for some medicine or attend to the vast laundry list of errands you never seem to be able to fully accomplish. The online mentor, teacher and learning conveniences found through distance education programs can help to free you of some much needed time.

This can also be applied to distance education programs for one’s own educational goals. The convenience is unmatchable. Hours are saved from driving time or inconvenient classroom schedules that can decrease the stress in one’s day, making your life more pleasant and enjoyable as well as all those who are affected by your temperament. Stress is a part of life, why add to it unnecessarily?

And, if an in-person classroom setting is something that you feel you cannot function without, why not organize a group of friends or co-workers who want to take the same distance education programs with you and hold “classroom” meetings on specific times or dates within, perhaps, the comfort of your home. Make the “classroom” setting enjoyable. Have classmates bring snacks or potluck dinner dishes. Or, if this would make the studying focus too difficult, recreate a formalized classroom environment. It is your experience and distance education programs offer you more variety in how you want to approach your learning experience!

Some online distance education programs do have established virtual “classroom” schedules while others do not. The point is that with online courses, you have choices. There is not a set standard, rigid format. Oftentimes you are in charge of the schedule, time line and other such educational choices! So go ahead, enroll in one of the many online distance education programs today!


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