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89 – Child Education Psychology

from: Many students struggle in the school setting. They may have trouble keeping their grades up or concentrating in class. One of the biggest problems children face in the school setting is, however, the fact that many children are misunderstood. Many children suffer from conduct, behavioural or emotional disorders that teachers do not understand or know how to deal with.

Experts in child education psychology say children with disorders will often act inappropriately in a school setting, demonstrating behaviour that would not be expected.
Students who have an aggression problem may bully or threaten other children, initiate fights, use a weapon to cause harm to other students, steal and lie, or make inappropriate sexual comments, gestures or advances.
Students with a social or emotional disorder may have trouble interacting with other students, may seem isolated, may have frequent absences from school or may have bouts of anger. According to experts in child education psychology, students with social or emotional disorders also experience fluctuating mood swings, depression, anxiety, and have difficulty learning.
Experts in child education psychology recommend teachers and parents communicate about any behavioural problems they see at school or at home. Child education psychology experts say parents and teachers should avoid focusing on the child’s negative or inappropriate behaviour and instead reward the child for positive behaviour or for acting in a mature and well manner.
If the child’s behaviour shows no signs of improvement or worsens as time passes, teachers and parents may want to seek professional help from an expert in child education psychology, or from their family doctors. Inappropriate behaviour may be resulting from a serious illness which is yet to be discovered or addressed. Children who react violently, or are extremely timid may also have been the victims of abuse, including emotional, physical or sexual abuse. In this instance, it may be necessary to involve the local police.
Most schools have programs in place to help troubled students who suffer from conduct, behavioural or emotional disorders. School counsellors are often on hand to talk to children and identify any problems. Experts in child education psychology recommend troubled children seek treatment under the advice or guidance of a teacher or parent. Without professional treatment, children may never outgrow the disorder, which will lead to problems later in life, such as substance abuse, trouble holding a job, trouble making friends and trouble building and holding on to personal relationships.
In the event that a child needs professional help or needs to be disciplined as a result of his or her actions, approach the child in a matter-of-fact manner. Use humour to engage the child – the child will be open to talk about the problem or might be able to understand the situation more easily.


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